Netgsm SMS Call

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Netgsm SMS Call
zakupy w aplikacji
Zrzuty ekranu
You can send SMS with Netgsm application and initiate calls with Netsantral which is a Netgsm product.
You can reach detailed information about our tariffs:Netgsm tariffs

Wersja 2
> SMS sending option added. Netgsm service has been added to the submissions on the Contact details page. You can now send SMS via Bitrix24 Contact page without entering the application interface.

Wersja 1
Netgsm SMS and Calling Application

You can contact us anytime you need technical support.
You must have a Netgsm account to complete the setup process.
You can access your Netgsm account at
For setup operations, you need to create a new API user using the Netgsm webportal User Actions> Define Downstream User link.
After creating a downstream user, you can setup with your Username and Password.
After installation, you can send SMS, initiate a call and create a group.