Generation of xlsx table from smart process element fields
Generation of xlsx file consisting of smart process element fields
Za darmo
Generate xlsx table fr om smart process element fields - application for generating xlsx file with smart process element fields when moving to the stage wh ere you set the webhook in the robot.
After moving the smart process element to the stage where the webhook is installed, a comment is created that contains an xlsx file with a set of smart process element fields.
xlsx file consists of the following fields:
id - ID
title - title
createdTime - When created
updatedTime - When updated
movedTime - When moved
categoryId - Direction
categoryName - Direction: name
stageId - Stage
stageName - Stage name
contactId - Contact
contact_NAME - Name
contact_SECOND_NAME - Middle name
contact_LAST_NAME - Last name
contact_PHONE[0] - Phone
contact_PHONE[1] - Phone
contact_EMAIL[0] - E-mail
contact_EMAIL[1] - E-mail
contact_WEB[0] - Website
contact_WEB[1] - Website
contact_IM[0] - Messenger
contact_IM[1] - Messenger
ufCrm184LinkToResume - Link to resume
ufCrm184PossibleReleaseDate - Possible release date
ufCrm184Level - Level
ufCrm184Scoring - Scoring
After moving the smart process element to the stage where the webhook is installed, a comment is created that contains an xlsx file with a set of smart process element fields.
xlsx file consists of the following fields:
id - ID
title - title
createdTime - When created
updatedTime - When updated
movedTime - When moved
categoryId - Direction
categoryName - Direction: name
stageId - Stage
stageName - Stage name
contactId - Contact
contact_NAME - Name
contact_SECOND_NAME - Middle name
contact_LAST_NAME - Last name
contact_PHONE[0] - Phone
contact_PHONE[1] - Phone
contact_EMAIL[0] - E-mail
contact_EMAIL[1] - E-mail
contact_WEB[0] - Website
contact_WEB[1] - Website
contact_IM[0] - Messenger
contact_IM[1] - Messenger
ufCrm184LinkToResume - Link to resume
ufCrm184PossibleReleaseDate - Possible release date
ufCrm184Level - Level
ufCrm184Scoring - Scoring