Call Tracking by Stream Telecom

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Call Tracking by Stream Telecom
Zrzuty ekranu

The Call Tracking by Stream Telecom application adds UTM tags and Google Analytics Client ID from the call tracking system to further transfer conversions to Google Analytics.

The application transmits information to both leads and deals. After closing the deal, depending on whether the deal is successful or not, the application sends the corresponding conversion to Google Analytics.

You can find out details about tariffs and functionality from the managers by phone (044) 339-54-82 or by mail at

Wersja 1
Add-on Call Tracking by Stream Telecom adds UTM tags and Google Analytics client ID to the data collection system.
The application transmits information to both leads and deals. After closing the deal, depending on whether the deal is successful or not, the app sends the corresponding conversion to Google Analytics.

Office address: 01054, Kyiv, Ukraine, st. Turgenivska, 38, office 402/a Phone: +38 (044) 339-54-82 E-mail:

1)    Log in to the call tracking system and specify the domain of your Bitrix24 in the project settings.

2)    Install the Call Tracking by Stream Telecom application

3)    Configure required fields in leads and deals

you can add fields in the lead:

- Site (call-tracking project)

- Google Analytics Client ID

fields can be added to agreements:

- Site (call-tracking project)

- Google Analytics Client ID

- Telephone

If the agreement or lead will be created manually, the "phone" field must be filled in for Bitrix24 to communicate with calls in the call tracking system.

To cut off outdated leads, use the appropriate parameter in the project settings in the call tracking system. By default, the time for which the data must be transferred to the ice or case is 24 hours.