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Platform for Internal Ticketing directly inside your Bitrix24. You can create ticket, escalate to another department, configure ticket category, and monitor ticket solving inside the dashboard. Form is customizable based on your needs.

Helpdesk application is ticketing platform suitable for managing internal case. User can create ticket and responded by agent assigned to the ticket category. Agent can respond, solve, or delegate the ticket to another departement/user. Solved ticket will be automatically closed within certain period. Ticket can be reopened if necessary

Create ticket

User can create ticket, assign priority, and category. Custom field for the create form can be adjusted if necessary. Attachment can be uploaded by user.

SLA and Working Time/Holiday Management

Each ticket category can have SLA defined. If ticket is created outside working hour/during holiday, it will not make the ticket overdue

Delegate Ticket

Ticket can be delegated to user or department by the agent

Ticket Category

Category can be defined and each ticket category has their own SLA and responsible agent to response

Auto Close

After reaching certain period, solved ticket can auto close depending on the configuration

Ticket History

Each ticket activities including comment, solved, reopen, etc. is recorded inside the comment

Reopen Ticket

Ticket can be reopened by users

Free 3 days trial is provided.

Wersja 1
Platform for Internal Ticketing directly inside your Bitrix24. You can create ticket, escalate to another department, configure ticket category, and monitor ticket solving inside the dashboard. Form is customizable based on your needs

How to install:
  1. to install the app, go to the "Apps / Market" section of your Bitrix24.
  2. in the search bar, enter "Helpdesk" and select the application you want to install on Bitrix24 account (the "View" button).
  3. in the window that opens, click "Install" and check the boxes "I have read and agree to the license agreement" and "I have read and agree to the privacy policy"