Knowledge Base | HiHub
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Knowledge Base | HiHub

The solution allows to store articles, similar to Wiki. You can add articles with dividing it to sections.

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    M. C. Art

Knowledge Base is a solution allowing to create, organize and store Wiki-type articles available for the company’s employees.

Add and read

Any authorized user can add an article to the Knowledge Base, either making it open for all the colleagues to read or limiting access for certain groups of employees.

You can mark an article as favorite by clicking on the star on it!

Click Preview before publishing and check what your article will look like!


Snippet is a short informative text you can add to share a message with your colleagues.

You can also ins ert snippets in to articles if needed.


All types of content within the Knowledge Base can be divided into sections according to the topic.

This helps you to find the needed content quickly and easily!


Need some outdated content?

It is all stored in Archive and can be accessed anytime!


Work with the service

After installing the application, you may create sections and articles. It’s best to start with creating sections — to create articles that are already relevant to a particular topic.

The initial view of the Knowledge Base after installation implies the display of the following items in the left menu:

  • Archive — section where outdated information is stored;

  • Snippets — work with informers and contents.

All sections, created in the future, will be placed under this menu.

In the upper right part of the application, buttons for accessing sections are located:

  • User roles (lock sign) — user lists for role distribution in the application (administrator, editor, user);

  • Favorites (star sign) — section of favorite (selected) articles and sections;

In the central part of the application window these blocks are located: Favorites, Sections, Articles, Archive. Clicking on the block name shows/hides its elements.

When you hover the cursor over one of the elements, you will see three buttons for actions: to Favorites (star sign), Edit (pencil sign), Delete (bucket sign).

When you click on one of the elements on the main page, a detailed view of the element will be opened. To return to the main page, click the house sign next to the element name.

Create a section in the Knowledge Base

1. Open the Knowledge Base (the item will appear in the left menu).

2. Click on the «plus» button in the upper right corner, sel ect «Create a section».

3. Enter a section name, sel ect fr om the list the parent section for this new section. If the section will be in the root, sel ect «Upper level».

4. In the field «Description» enter the section description. To style the text, use the toolbar (read more about editor in the section « Editor capabilities»). You can also add pictures, links, files, informers and contents to the article.

5. Click «Create section». To cancel creation of a section, click «Cancel».


— the same section names are allowed.

— the maximal length of the section name (with spaces) — 255 characters.

— creating/editing/deleting of sections and articles is allowed only for users with the relevant rights.

After creating the section, a page for its detailed viewing will be opened, with a name and a full description.

In the upper row above the section name there will be buttons for performing actions on the section:

  • Favorites — when you click on the star sign, the section will be added to the «Favorites» menu. Repeated clicking removes the section fr om the «Favorites».

  • Edit — editing a section and its description.

  • Access settings — go to access settings window. For each user role you can set the access level. When click on «Close access for all» button, access will be denied to all user roles, except administrator. Later these rights can be changed manually.

  • Create subsection — create a new section.

  • Delete (in the upper right corner) — delete the current section.

Create a subsection

To create a subsection, go to the desired section and click «Create a section». Or click the «plus» button in the upper right corner of the app and sel ect «Create a section». Enter the subsection name, in the field «Choose parent section» sel ect fr om the list the section that will be the parent section for the newly created. Click «Create a section».

Edit a section/subsection

Sel ect the desired section in the left menu. If necessary, use the search field (in the top of the application page). Or sel ect the section on the main page, «Sections» block, and click the edit button.

On the section page click «Edit». Make changes, click «Edit section».

Delete a section/subsection

To delete a section/subsection open its page and click «Delete» in the upper right corner. Or hover the cursor over the section on the main page in the block «Sections» and click «Delete» (bucket sign).


Section «Favorites» designed for quick access to elements, which you often view or edit, so as not to search for them in different sections — collect them in the Favorites.

Adding to «Favorites»

To add an article or section/subsection to Favorites, open its page, click the button with the star sign «To Favorites». Repeated click removes a section or article fr om Favorites.

Also you may add an article or a section to Favorites by clicking on the star sign in the list of sections/articles.

Go to Favorites

To go to the list of articles and sections, which you have added to Favorites, click on the star sign in the upper right part of the app.

Favorites will be displayed by type — first sections and articles, then informers and contents.

All elements in Favorites are marked with blue stars. To delete an element fr om Favorites, click the star next to the name. Deleting fr om Favorites doesn’t remove an element fr om the app!

You can edit items directly from Favorites. To edit a section, click the gear button next to its name.

To edit other types of elements (articles, informers and contents), click the button with the pencil sign.

To delete any element, click the button with the bucket sign next to its name.

Access settings

On a section/subsection or article page you can configure access, based on user roles. For each user role, you can choose one of the access levels:

  • Default;

  • Access denied;

  • View;

  • Edit;

  • Full access.

You can also set access rights for specific users.

To configure an access for a specific user, sel ect his full name from the list (start typing text and the data will be filtered).

Sel ect an access level and click «Add». Then click «Save».

To delete a record about access settings, click on the button with a bucket sign next to the employee name.

You can also add access rights for departments. In the «Access Settings» window, in the «Add department rights» field, sel ect the desired department. Set the access level below, click «Add».

In the future, the access level can be changed or deleted.

Create an article in the Knowledge Base

1. Open the Knowledge Base, click on the «plus» button in the upper right corner of the app, sel ect «Create an article».

2. Enter the article name (up to 255 characters).

3. Enter a short description of the article.

4. Sel ect the section / subsection to which the article will relate. For a quick search, you can start entering the name in the field, and the appropriate sections will be displayed in the list.

5. Sel ect the responsible employees for the article. By default, the user who creates the article, is responsible, but this can be changed manually. Pay attention to the hint next to the responsible person field, which opens when the cursor hovers over the exclamation mark: «The person responsible for the article is responsible for suggestions for changing the article».

6. Enter the content of the article. To style the text, use the toolbar. Read more about editor in the section « Editor capabilities». You can also use the function «Quick insert» — click at any place of the article content, and a pop-up button with a plus sign will appear on the left — click on it to open a menu for selecting functions: ins ert a picture, ins ert a table, ins ert an ordered or unordered list, ins ert a dividing horizontal line into the text.

7. Add hashtags for the article. Hashtag can consist of several words, separated by a space. To finish entering the hashtag and go to the next one, press Enter on the keyboard.

Later, when you click on the hashtag in the article, a list of articles with similar hashtags will be opened.

8. Sel ect an article status — published, draft, archive (read more in the section «Statuses»).

9. Click «Publish».

That’s interesting. When copying a text block from a Word document or from a website, the original formatting will be completely saved.

For example, let’s copy this information from website (sel ect text and pictures, press Ctrl+C). Ins ert in to the field of the article content (Ctrl+V).

After the article is created, the page for its detailed viewing will be opened.

You can edit an article, delete it, configure access settings, write a comment, add to Favorites or share in the Activity Stream.


It’s possible to ins ert a spoiler to the article content. This is useful for visually minimizing of the article content. Selected blocks you may open, read and hide again.

Click «Ins ert spoiler» on the toolbar, enter the block name and its content. When clicking on the plus sign, the block will be fully opened, when clicking on the minus sign, the block will be minified to its name.

Important! Spoiler keeps its form (opened or minified) while editing. If you click «Publish» with an opened spoiler, it will be always opened; if you will minimize it and reload the page, it will be opened again, the same is with the minified spoiler — if you will open it and reload the page, it will be returned to its original form, which was in the editing mode.

Ins ert documents

To attach documents to the article (valid formats — docx, doc, xlsx, pdf, file size up to 4Mb), click the button «Additionally» (plus sign on the toolbar) and click «Upload file».

Drag a file into the download area or sel ect it from the folder structure on your computer.

After saving the article, the file name with the extension will be displayed in its content, when clicking on it, this file will be downloaded to the user's computer.


There are three status options:

  • Published — published articles are available for all users to view and write comments, for administrators — to delete and edit.

  • Draft — draft is available for the article’s creator and administrator.

  • Archive — articles from the archive are available only for the app’s administrators.

Important! If access rights are se t for certain articles, even the moderator can't see some articles or sections.

Function «Share»

When working with the Knowledge Base in Bitrix, you can share the article in the Activity Stream. To do this, open the article page and in the top menu click «Share in B24». This function is available if an access to the Activity Stream during installation was allowed.

This function publishes a post with the article name in the Activity Stream, the post leads to an external Knowledge Base resource (it means, the link leads not to Bitrix, but to HiHub).

When working with the Knowledge Base on HiHub, the «Share» function is available on the article viewing page. When clicking this button, the link to the article will be copied for further insertion into the fields you need.

When clicking on a copied link, you can use the password recovery function to log in to the site and view the content. To recover it, use your email address with which you log in to Bitrix.

Editing articles

You can edit an already published article at any time, move it to another section.

Open the article, click «Edit» under the article title. Make changes, click «Publish».

To edit an article, you can click on the pencil sign next to the article name in the general list of articles on the main page.

Or you can click on the pencil sign in the articles list of the section.


If the article has «Archive» in the «Status» field, the article will be placed in the «Archive» section, which is located in the left menu (or access from the main page, section «Archive»).

These articles will not be published in the main sections and will be stored exclusively in the archive until they are manually published.

To publish an article from the archive — open it, click «Edit» and change the status to «Published», save.

Deleting an article

To delete an article, open its page and click «Delete» in the upper right corner. Or click the button with a bucket sign in the list of articles/on the main page.


To leave a comment for an article, open its page in the Knowledge Base and write your comment at the bottom of the page, click «Send».

To write an answer for a comment, click Answer, enter your text and click «Send».

Suggest a change to the article

You can make a suggestion to change the article — write a comment under the article and tick the box «Suggest a change to the article». Then the responsible person of the article will receive an email about your suggestion.

Attention! This comment will not be displayed on the article page.


To search for articles and sections, use the search field in the upper left part of the application. Type a few characters or words, press Enter.

The search will be performed by title, content of articles and sections.

Search results will be displayed divided into tabs — articles, sections, informers, contents.


On the article viewing page, the «Versions history» button is located above the article name.

Clicking on it will open a list of changes with the date, time and name of the user who made the changes.

When you click on a version, the «Restore this version» button will appear.

Clicking this button will restore the selected version of the article.

The number of versions and storage period is unlimited.


The Knowledge Base provides a convenient and simple system for recording all the actions performed in the application — for example, creating or editing articles and sections.

To open the Logging section, click on the settings button in the upper right corner. In the opened menu sel ect «Administration».

On the opened admin panel sel ect «Logging».

Next sel ect «Events».

A list of all events in a tabular form will be opened. Click «Back to the service» to return to the application.

The table shows the date and time of performed actions, type of performed operation (creating, viewing, editing, deleting), id and type of the element, on which actions have been done (section, article, informer, content), information about the user who made the changes (id, name, email, ip, browser).

Search and sort

To sort records by operation type, choose the operation you are interested in from the list under the name of the corresponding column. The data will be sorted automatically.

To filter records by other columns, enter search parameters in the fields below the column names and click «Search».

The filtered data will be displayed in a table with the number of items below it.

To reset the filter, click the «Reset» button.


In addition to articles, you can create Informers in the Knowledge Base — this is an area, connected from an external resource. Informer is used as a part of an article; it may be inserted to any articles desired number of times. Convenience lies in the fact that information fr om external sources can be viewed directly fr om the article without clicking on the link — for example, to upload a video fr om YouTube to the informer and then view it directly in the article, without going to YouTube.

The external source can be either the company's website or an internal source (for example, CRM).

To create an informer, click the «plus» sign in the upper part of the app and choose «Add informer».

Fill in the informer name, brief description, and in the «Informer content» field click the three dots in the upper right corner of the field (tooltip «More»), in the opened menu choose «Code view».

Paste the informer code into the field, then click «Code view» again.

In the «Informer Types» field, select the types that have already been created or enter new text and press Enter on the keyboard.

Types of informers are used by analogy with article tags - by clicking on a saved type, a list of informers with the same type will appear.

Select the status of the informer - published, draft, archive.

Click «Publish».

All informers are stored in the section «Snippets» — «Informers».

How to ins ert YouTube video to the informer

Open YouTube on your computer and go to the desired video page.

Click «Share» under the player.

Choose «Embed».

Copy the code.

Paste the code in to informer: click «Code view», paste the copied code to the field «Informer content», click «Code view» again and then «Publish».

The video will be saved in the informer, and later will be displayed in the article wh ere you ins ert the informer.

Ins ert an informer

Informers can be viewed and edited in the section «Snippets» — «Informers». But you can also add it to articles or section descriptions as separate elements. You can add an informer to the article/description of the section when you create or edit them.

In the article content field or section description, click «Ins ert content».

In the opened window go to the tab «Informers» and choose an informer fr om the list.

In the list, next to the informer name, there is an eye sign — when you click on it, a preview of the informer will be viewed.

Editing informers

In the section «Snippets» — «Informers» a list of all created informers is stored. There are buttons in the list next to the name of each informer: Edit (pencil sign), Add to Favorites (star sign), Delete (bucket sign).

Attention! If changes were made to the external resource by your link, the data will be updated in the informer, including if it is already inserted in the article.


Content creates by analogy with the article, but later it can be used to ins ert in to the article as a separate element.

Creating of a content

To create new content, click the «plus» sign in the upper right corner and choose «Add content».

Fill in the fields similar to creating an article.

When creating content, specify access rights for different user roles.

Those users, for whom access to the content will be closed, will not be able to ins ert it in to the article or view it in an already created article.

In the «Content types» field, select the types you have already created or type in new text and press Enter on the keyboard.

Content types are used by analogy with article tags — by clicking on a saved type, a list of content with the same type will appear.


Select the status of the content - published, draft, archive.

Click «Publish».

Ins ert a content

You can add content to an article when creating or editing it.

In the article content field, click «Ins ert content».

In the opened window go to the tab «Contents» and choose the content fr om the list.

In the list, next to the content name, there is an eye sign — when you click on it, a preview of the content will be viewed.

In editing mode, the content looks like a data type and ID. But after saving the article, the content will be displayed in full.

An informer can be added to the article on the same principle.

All content is stored in the section «Snippets» — «Contents».

Editing a content

The section «Snippets» — «Contents» stores a list of all created contents. There are buttons in the list next to the name of each content: Edit (pencil sign), Add to Favorites (star sign), Delete (bucket sign).

Attention! If changes have been made to the content, the data will be updated in the article, wh ere it is inserted.

User roles

In the section «User roles» you can determine the rights of each user in this application.

To go to this section, click the lock sign in the upper right corner:

  • Administrator — full access, including distribution of access rights;

  • Editor — has the right to edit articles and sections;

  • User — view only and the possibility to leave a comment.

To change the role of one or more users in the application, click on the upper menu item with the lock sign «User Roles», tick the necessary users and select «ActionsAssign as…» (Administrator, Editor, User).

Important! The role of the creator cannot be changed.

Editor capabilities

Highlight in bold. To highlight the text of the article in bold, select the desired text in the article and click on the toolbar button «В».

Italics. To highlight the text of the article in italics, select the desired text in the article and click on the toolbar button «i».

Underlined text. Select the desired text in the article and click on the «U» toolbar.

Font family. Select the desired text or the entire article, click «А Þ» on the toolbar, select the desired font fr om the list.

Font size. Select the desired text, click «Аа Þ» on the toolbar, select the font size.

Clear formatting. To clear any formatting (font size, bold, etc.), select the text and click on the toolbar button with the crossed-out letter «A».

Additional functions. The button «More text» opens the following functions:

  • Text color — select the text and select a color fr om the palette, the selected text will be painted in the selected color;

  • Strikethrough — select the text and click the button with the crossed out letter S, the selected text will become crossed out;

  • Subscript — select the text and click the «х2» button, the selected text will be converted to subscript;

  • Superscript — select the text and click the «х2» button, the selected text will be converted to superscript;

  • Background color — select the text and select a color fr om the palette, the selected text will be displayed on a colored background;

·         Inline class (code, highlighted, transparent) — select the text and select one of the items: code — will give the text a font of code; highlighted — highlight the text in yellow; transparent — make the font translucent;

  • Inline style (red, blue) — select the text and select the item: big red or small blue, the text will be painted in the selected color.

Align left — to align the text to the left, click the button with the lines skewed to the left.

Align center — to format the text in the center of the page, click the button with the lines that taper down.

Ordered list — simple numbered list. Select the text, that will be the list, or place the cursor wh ere the list will start, and click on the button with lines and numbers 1, 2, 3. Clicking this button again will cancel formatting as a list.

Additional functions More Paragraph (button with the symbol ¶ and three dots). This section includes options for paragraphs formatting:

  • Align right — align text to the right. Highlight the text or place the cursor on the desired paragraph and click the button with the lines skewed to the right;

  • Align to width — align text to width. Highlight the text or place the cursor on the desired paragraph and click on the button with parallel horizontal lines;

  • Ordered list (with options) — click on the arrow to select numbering options. Highlight the text that will be the list or place the cursor wh ere the list will start, and click the button with lines and numbers 1, 2, 3. The list will be numbered in Arabic numerals. To select other numbering options, highlight the text and click on the arrow next to the numbered list button. Fr om the list that opens, select one of the options (Arabic by default; Lower Alpha — Latin lowercase letters; Lower Greek — lowercase Greek letters; Lower Roman — lowercase Roman letters; Upper Alpha — Latin capital letters; Upper Roman — Roman capital letters).

  • Unordered list (with options) — highlight the text, that will be a list, or place the cursor wh ere the list will start, and click the button with rows and circles. The text will be converted to a list with colored circles. Clicking the button again removes formatting in the list view. To select other numbering options, highlight the text and click the arrow next to the unordered list button. Fr om the opened list select one of the options (default — colored circles; circle — empty circles; disk — colored circles; square — colored squares);

  • Paragraph format (button with the symbol ¶ and down arrow) — header styles fr om inline formats (Header 1, Header 2);

  • Paragraph style (button with the symbol ¶ and asterisk symbol) — highlight a paragraph and select one of the options (gray, bordered, spaced, uppercased);

  • Line height — select text and sele ct line height (default, single, 1.15, 1.5, double);

  • Decrease indent — sele ct text or position the cursor on the desired paragraph and click the button with lines and left arrow to reduce text indent fr om the edge;

  • Increase indent — sele ct the text or position the cursor on the desired paragraph and click the button with lines and the right arrow to indent the text fr om the edge;

  • Quote (increase, decrease) — sele ct the text and click on the arrow near to the button with quotes, choose increase or decrease. An increase will add one vertical line next to the selected text, a second increase will add another line. Decreasing removes one line.

Insert content. This button opens a window for selecting an informer or content to be inserted in to an article (read more in the section «Insert content»).

Insert spoiler. Insert a collapsible block of text.

Insert link. Highlight the text, by clicking on which the link should be opened. In the window that opens, in the field «URL» enter the link address, in the field «Text» check the text to insert the link, check the box «Open in the new tab» if necessary, click «Insert».

After inserting the link in to the text, you can sele ct the following functions when clicking on it:

  • Open the link;

  • Style (sele ct the text style for displaying the link);

  • Edit the link;

  • Unlink — delete the link.

Insert image. To insert an image, click on the button with the picture. A small window with two tabs will open — «Load an image» and «Link». On the first tab you can drag the image with the mouse or sele ct a picture fr om the disk, on the second tab – insert a link to the image.

Edit an image

After inserting an image, you can click on it to open the image editing menu. The following features are available:

  • Replace — opens a window to replace the image with another;

  • Align — sele ct the type of alignment (right, left, center);

  • Image caption — insert text below the picture;

  • Remove — remove an image fr om the article;

  • Insert link — opens a window to insert a link. By clicking on the picture in the article, the link will be opened;

  • Display — sele ct position of the image fr om the list (inline, break text);

  • Style — choose the picture style (rounded, bordered, shadow);

  • Alternative text — attach text to image. This text will be available for viewing in the article if viewing the image is not available. In the place of the link to the image the alternative text will be displayed as a hint;

  • Change size — enter the width and height of the image to resize it.

Insert table. Click on the button with the table image and sele ct the number of columns and rows.

Special characters. Click on the button with the image of the special character and sele ct the character you want to insert.

Insert horizontal line. Click on the long dash button to insert a dividing horizontal line.

Undo. The left arrow button cancels the last action.

Redo. The right arrow button repeats the last action.

To attach a document to an article (acceptable formats — docx, doc, xlsx, pdf, file size up to 4Mb), click the button «More» (plus sign) on the toolbar and choose «Upload file».

Drag the file to the download area or sele ct it fr om the folder structure on your computer.

More misc. The last button on the toolbar with three vertical dots opens an additional panel with buttons:

  • Select all — sele ct all text;

  • Code view — enable HTML view;

  • Help — open the hotkey help.
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